How to Bench Press - Sorting Out These Common Issues

October 22, 2023 5 min read

How to Bench Press- useful ideas

How to Bench Press

To learn how to bench press effectively and safely, follow these detailed steps that emphasize proper form and technique.


How to Bench Press - Setup Phase

  1. Position Yourself: Lie back on a flat bench with your eyes directly under the barbell. Your feet should be flat on the ground, providing stability.

  2. Grip the Bar: Use a medium grip width (approximately shoulder-width apart) with your thumbs wrapped around the bar for a secure hold. Your arms should be straight above your shoulders when the bar is unracked.

  3. Unrack the Bar: Straighten your arms to lift the bar off the rack, keeping your shoulder blades retracted and your back slightly arched.

How to Bench Press - Execution Phase

  1. Lower the Bar: Inhale deeply, hold your breath, and lower the bar slowly to your mid-chest, ensuring your elbows are tucked at about a 45-70 degree angle to your torso. Avoid flaring your elbows out too wide to prevent shoulder strain.

  2. Press the Bar Up: After the bar touches your chest (or just above if you feel discomfort), exhale and press the bar back up until your arms are fully extended. Hold the weight at the top for a moment before lowering it again.

  3. Maintain Tension: Throughout the movement, keep your core engaged and your feet planted firmly on the ground. This helps maintain stability and power during the lift.


How to Bench Press - Breathing Technique

  • Inhale at the Top: Before you lower the bar, take a deep breath to create intra-abdominal pressure, which supports your spine.

  • Hold Your Breath: Maintain this breath while lowering the bar to keep your torso tight.

  • Exhale at the Top: Once you have completed the lift and the bar is back over your shoulders, exhale.

.How to Bench Press - Safety Tips
  • Use a Spotter: If you are lifting heavy weights, having a spotter can help prevent accidents.

  • Consider Safety Equipment: If bench pressing alone, use a power rack with safety pins set at an appropriate height to catch the bar if you cannot complete a lift

When it comes to strength training equipment the learning how to bench press is a classic exercise and broadly used, that  bench press works multiple muscle groups in the upper body. However, many people struggle with their bench press form, which can limit their progress and increase the risk of injury. We attempt to address some further common issues that may be hindering your Olympic bench press performance and provide solutions to help you maximise your form.

1. Are You Using the Correct Grip

The grip you use on the barbell can significantly impact your bench press form. Many people make the mistake of gripping the bar too wide or too narrow, which can put unnecessary strain on the shoulders and wrists. To find the correct grip width, start with your hands shoulder-width apart and adjust from there based on your comfort and shoulder mobility.

2. Is Your Back Properly Positioned

A common mistake in bench press form is failing to maintain a stable and arched back. Your back should be pressed firmly against the bench, with a natural arch in your lower back. This position helps to engage your chest muscles and provides a solid base of support for the lift. Avoid rounding your back or lifting your hips off the bench.

3. Are Your Elbows Flaring Out

Allowing your elbows to flare out to the sides during the bench press can put excessive stress on the shoulders and limit your strength. Instead, tuck your elbows in at about a 45-degree angle to your body. This position helps to engage the chest muscles more effectively and reduces the risk of shoulder impingement.

4. Are You Breathing Properly

Breathing plays a crucial role in maintaining stability and generating power during the bench press. Take a deep breath before you lower the barbell and hold it until you reach the top of the lift. This technique, known as the valsalva maneuver, helps to create intra-abdominal pressure and provides a solid platform for the lift.

5. Are You Overlooking Warm-Up Sets

Skipping warm-up sets is a common mistake that can lead to poor bench press form and potential injury. Warm-up sets help to prepare your muscles, joints, and nervous system for the heavier work to come. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load, allowing your body to adapt and find the optimal form.

6. What are acute variables

Acute variables are the specific factors that determine the intensity, volume, and rest periods of a workout. In the context of bench press, these variables include the weight lifted, the number of repetitions performed, and the rest time between sets. By manipulating these variables, you can optimize your bench press form and maximize your gains.

How can miscalculated acute variables affect bench press form

When the acute variables are miscalculated, it can lead to a variety of issues with bench press form. For example, lifting too heavy of a weight can cause you to sacrifice proper technique, leading to improper muscle activation and increased risk of injury. On the other hand, lifting too light of a weight may not provide enough stimulus for muscle growth.

Optimizing acute variables for better bench press form - To improve your bench press form, it's important to carefully calculate and adjust the acute variables.

Here are some tips:

a. Determine the appropriate weight

Start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form for the desired number of repetitions. Gradually increase the weight as you become stronger and more comfortable with the movement.

b. Focus on the number of repetitions

The number of repetitions you perform can greatly impact your bench press form. Higher repetitions (8-12) are generally more effective for muscle hypertrophy, while lower repetitions (1-5) are better for strength gains. Choose a rep range that aligns with your goals.

c. Pay attention to rest periods

Rest periods between sets can affect your bench press form. Shorter rest periods (30-60 seconds) increase the metabolic stress on the muscles, while longer rest periods (2-3 minutes) allow for more complete recovery. Adjust the rest periods based on your training goals and fitness level.

 By addressing these common issues and implementing the suggested solutions, you can maximize your bench press form and unlock your full potential. Remember, proper form is not only essential for performance but also for preventing injuries. Take the time to focus on your technique, and you'll see improvements in your bench press and overall strength training journey.

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