How to Increase Your Vertical Jump Targeting 6 Muscle Groups

July 01, 2023 5 min read

How to Increase Your Vertical Jump Targeting 6 Muscle Groups

 6 muscle groups to focus on to increase your vertical jump:

Your quads and hamstrings are your primary thrusters when it comes to jumping, but your calves, hips, and glutes also play an important role. These muscles help to generate power and stability, which are essential for jumping high.

  • Calves. Your calves help you generate power in your jump by extending your ankles.The calf muscles are a group of muscles that run down the back of each lower leg. The calf muscles play an essential role in sprinting, jumping, and other explosive movements. They also help you stabilize during running and jumping movements. Weak lower leg strength leads to slower sprint times, poor jumping ability, and unstable ankles during explosive movements like sprinting or jumping. It will also lead to an increased risk of an Achilles tendon injury because of weak ankles and calf muscles while sprinting or jumping.

    Doing exercises to strengthen your calves can help you jump higher, increase your speed, stabilize yourself while running, and reduce injury risk during explosive movements like split steps or jumping. To strengthen your calves, you can do calf raises, either standing or with your toes on a raised surface also using a Jump  Rope / Skipping Rope.
  • Hamstrings. Your hamstrings help you extend your hips and flex your knees.The hamstrings are a group of muscles that run along the back of the thigh. These muscles help extend the hip joint and flex the knee joint. They also help to stabilize the hip and knee joints while running, jumping, and cutting. If your hamstrings are weak, they can cause your hips to rotate too much during sprinting and jumping. The deficit will lead to slower sprint times, low jump height, and an increased risk of injury during these movements.

    Doing exercises that strengthen your hamstrings can also help increase your vertical leap and decrease injury risk.  To strengthen your hamstrings, you can do deadlifts, hamstring curls, and leg extensions.
Spirit plate loaded Leg Press
  • Quads. Your quads help you extend your knees and provide stability for your knee joints. To strengthen your quads, you can do squats, lunges, and leg press, using a machine like the plate loaded Spirit leg press shown above..
  • Glutes. Your glutes are your largest muscle group and they play a major role in your jumping ability. To strengthen your glutes, you can do squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, and donkey kicks or use an established machine like the Jordan Ham/Glute MachineThe gluteus maximus is a large, powerful muscle group that runs from the lower back to the hip joint. It’s one of the body’s strongest muscles and is vital for running, jumping, and other explosive movements. If your glutes are weak, you will have a hard time jumping high or sprinting fast. You will also be more likely to get injured. Strengthening the glutes will help you jump higher and increase your speed. Dynamic stretching helps with timing.
  • Core. Your core muscles (including your abs, lower back, and obliques) help you stabilize your body and transfer power from your lower body to your upper body during your jump. To strengthen your core, you can do planks, sit-ups, crunches, and Russian twists.
  • Hip Flexors Your hip flexors are a set of muscles that manage your lower back and the front of your pelvis. These muscles support knee and hip flexion and extension.For running, jumping, and other explosive strength, the hip flexors are crucial. Because they spend so much time sitting, many athletes frequently develop tight hip flexors. Here, the potential to meet triple extension is limited by poor core strength and range of motion.As people age or stop regular exercising, their hip flexors also lose strength and flexibility. Hip flexors will pull on the lower back if your hips are tight, which can cause lower back pain and damage.Your ability to jump higher can be increased by strengthening your hip flexors. You can move faster and reach higher levels if your hip flexors are in good condition. Do the following exercises to strengthen your hip flexors, such as Squats, Quadruped Leg Raises & a Hip Flexor Stretch: This stretch is excellent for range of motion through the hip flexors.

In addition to training these muscle groups, you can also improve your vertical jump by practicing jumping exercises regularly. 

Jordan 3-1 plyo box for jumping

Jumping exercises are a great way to improve your vertical jump because they help you develop the power and explosiveness you need to jump higher. Plyometrics is a general term for exercises that involve rapid muscle contractions. Plyometric exercises with or without a plyometric box, can be a great way to improve your vertical jump, but they should be done with caution as they can put a lot of stress on your joints.

  • Squat jumps are a basic jumping exercise that helps you develop strength and power in your lower body. To do a squat jump, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body into a squat position. Then, explosively jump up as high as you can.
  • Depth jumps are a more advanced jumping exercise that helps you develop explosive power. To do a depth jump, stand on a platform that is about 12-18 inches high. Then, jump off the platform and land with your knees slightly bent. Immediately after landing, explode up into another jump.
  • Box jumps are a great way to improve your vertical jump and coordination. To do a box jump, stand in front of a box that is about 12-18 inches high. Then, jump up and land on top of the box with both feet.
  • Tuck jumps are a simple jumping exercise that helps you develop power and explosiveness in your lower body. To do a tuck jump, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Then, explosively jump up and tuck your knees into your chest.

When performing jumping exercises, it is important to warm up properly before you start. You should also cool down afterwards. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.

If you are new to jumping exercises, start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions as you get stronger. You should also start with a low box and gradually increase the height of the box as you get stronger.

It is important to practice jumping exercises regularly if you want to see results. Aim to do jumping exercises 3-4 times per week.

Here are some additional tips for performing jumping exercises safely and effectively:

  • Land with your knees slightly bent.
  • Don't overextend your joints.
  • Don't jump too high if you are new to jumping exercises.
  • Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.
  • Warm up properly before you start.
  • Cool down afterwards.




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