Pads & Shields Buying Guide

June 18, 2023 6 min read

Pads & Shields Buying Guide

Types of pads & shields:

The pads you use can change a variety of factors, including how hard you can strike and how quickly you can move, both of which have an impact on how you workout. It's crucial to know what you want before purchasing your boxing pads because different types of pads and shields will have different advantages for you. You can get all the information you require to choose the ideal pads for your style and sport and elevate your performance from this page.

Escape Focus pad

Focus pads

Focus pads are worn on the hands and allow the wearer to move them around at considerable speed. They are particularly well suited for boxers, as well as those looking to improve their speed and coordination. 

Focus pads, also known as hook and jab pads, are a piece of training equipment used in boxing, kickboxing, and other martial arts. They are worn by a partner, typically a coach or training partner, who holds the pads in front of them while the other person punches and kicks them. Focus pads allow you to practice your punches and kicks in a controlled environment, and they can help you to improve your technique, power, and accuracy.

There are many different types of focus pads available, made from a variety of materials. Some focus pads are made of foam, while others are made of leather. Foam pads are generally less expensive, but they may not last as long as leather pads. Leather pads are more durable, but they may be more expensive.

Focus pads come in a variety of sizes, so you can choose the right size for your needs. If you are a beginner, you may want to start with a smaller size pad. As you get more experienced, you can move up to a larger size pad.

Focus pads are a great way to improve your boxing, kickboxing, or martial arts skills. They are a versatile piece of training equipment that can be used for a variety of purposes. If you are looking for a way to improve your technique, power, and accuracy, focus pads are a great option.


Physical Thai Pad Physical Thai Pad with kick

Thai pads

 Thai pads are large pads that are held on the forearms and cover most of the user’s body. They get their name as they are designed for use in Muay Thai, Thai Kickboxing, or any similar sport where you can use a combination of both punches and kicks. 

Thai pads, also known as Muay Thai pads, are a type of focus pad used in Muay Thai. They are typically made of leather or synthetic materials and are filled with foam or gel. Thai pads are larger than traditional focus pads and have a curved shape that allows them to absorb the impact of punches and kicks.

Thai pads are used to train both the striking and the blocking techniques of Muay Thai. They can be used to practice punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. Thai pads can also be used to develop timing, rhythm, and coordination.

When using Thai pads, it is important to use proper technique. The pads should be held in front of the body with the arms extended. The strikes should be delivered with power and accuracy.

Thai pads are a great way to improve your Muay Thai skills. They are a versatile piece of training equipment that can be used for a variety of purposes. If you are looking for a way to improve your striking and blocking techniques, Thai pads are a great option.


Physical Curved  Strike Pad

Strike shields

Strike shields are remarkably similar to Thai pads, in that they are designed to absorb both punches and kicks. The main difference is that they tend to be shorter, so are more designed for sports that don’t require you to protect the lower parts of your body as much. 

Strike shields, also known as punching shields, kick shields, and boxing shields, are a piece of training equipment used in boxing, kickboxing, and other martial arts. They are typically made of foam or leather and are filled with a shock-absorbing material. Strike shields are used to practice punches, kicks, knees, and elbows, and they can help to improve technique, power, and accuracy.
Strike shields for martial arts training.

There are two main types of strike shields: flat and curved. Flat strike shields are typically used for punches, while curved strike shields are typically used for kicks. Strike shields can also be used to practice blocking techniques.

When using strike shields, it is important to use proper technique. The shield should be held in front of the body with the arms extended. The strikes should be delivered with power and accuracy.

Strike shields are a great way to improve your striking skills. They are a versatile piece of training equipment that can be used for a variety of purposes. If you are looking for a way to improve your technique, power, and accuracy, strike shields are a great option.

Hatton Body Pad

Body pads

Body pads such as the Hatton Body Pad above , or otherwise known as  body shields as they are also known, are pieces of equipment that are actually designed to be worn on a user’s body. They provide much less protection but significantly increase mobility, so are perfect when trying to recreate a traditional fight in preparation for a match.

  • Body pads, also known as body shields, are a piece of training equipment used in martial arts to protect the torso from punches and kicks. They are typically made of foam or leather and are filled with a shock-absorbing material. Body pads can be worn by either the attacker or the defender.

  • There are two main types of body pads: chest protectors and belly pads. Chest protectors are designed to protect the chest, ribs, and stomach. Belly pads are designed to protect the abdomen and groin. Body pads can also be used to practice blocking techniques.

  • When using body pads, it is important to use proper technique. The pads should be worn snugly but not too tightly. The strikes should be delivered with power and accuracy.

  • Body pads are a great way to protect yourself from injury during martial arts training. They are also a great way to practice your blocking techniques. If you are looking for a way to stay safe and improve your skills, body pads are a great option.


Other things to consider :

Durability - Because of the product's simplicity, it will have to withstand a lot of use and abuse throughout the course of its lifespan. Consider choosing one of the more durable types if you want to use your pads or shields regularly or for extended periods of time, even if doing so will cost you a little bit more money.. 

Weight - The weight of a pad or shield will have an impact on how cosy you feel wearing it and how easy it is for you to move around in. Make sure the object's weight is appropriate for your size and strength.

Comfort - Comfort is a crucial factor to take into account because discomfort will make it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand. If you plan to wear your pads or shields for an extended period of time, this is very crucial, so make sure you choose a comfortable one.

Size - For a variety of reasons, choosing the right size for a pad or shield is crucial. If you choose one that is too tiny, it might not cover you everywhere it should because it will be uncomfortable tight.

However, if you choose one that is too big, it will slide around and offer scant to no protection. To ensure the highest levels of comfort and protection, choose a pad or shield that is precisely the right size.

Ability level - Your ability level can affect the pads or shields you will need in a number of ways. It can dictate how often or long you will be using it for, the skill of the opposition you will be facing, how much mobility you will need, how much of a beating it will have to take, and even the areas it will need to protect. 

Make sure you factor all of this in when determining which item best balances all of your needs.

Your budget - Although pads and shields don't typically retail for high prices at the upper end, they can still be quite expensive. Create a defined budget for yourself right away to avoid wasting time researching a product that you can't or aren't willing to buy, if in doubt contact us and we would be delighted to help.

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