Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

December 09, 2024 5 min read

piriofmris syndrome exercises showing anatomytomy to help

What is Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a painful musculoskeletal condition characterised by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle . This muscle is located deep in the buttock near the top of the hip joint and plays a crucial role in lower body movement, stabilising the hip and allowing for thigh rotation .Key aspects of piriformis syndrome include:

  1. Symptoms:
    • Sharp, severe pain in the buttock
    • Pain radiating down the back of the thigh, calf, and foot
    • Numbness and tingling in the affected area
    • Discomfort with prolonged sitting or activities involving hip movement.
  2. Causes:
    • Trauma to the buttocks
    • Muscle spasms
    • Overuse from excessive exercise
    • Prolonged sitting
    • Altered biomechanics of the lower limb, lower back, and pelvic regions.
  3. Demographics:
    • More common in women, with a female-to-male ratio of 6:1
    • Most frequently diagnosed in middle-aged patients.
  4. Diagnosis:
    • Often based on a combination of symptoms, including buttock pain, pain aggravated by sitting, external tenderness at the level of the greater sciatic notch, and pain caused by increased piriformis muscle tension

Piriformis syndrome is relatively uncommon, accounting for approximately 5% of sciatica cases . However, in severe cases, the pain can become disabling, significantly impacting daily activities such as sitting, driving, or performing household chores

Key Points - Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

Exercises can be done at home or in the gym.

Modify the exercises if you have severe Piriformis Syndrome

Look at Strengthening and Stretching Exercises as needed.

Consult a Physio or PT to create a specific plan to help manage and recover.

Piriformis Syndrome Exercises Video

Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

Here are effective exercises and stretches for piriformis syndrome:


  1. Supine piriformis stretch : Lie on your back, cross the affected leg over the opposite knee, and pull the bottom leg towards your chest .
  2. Cross-body piriformis stretch : Lie on your back, cross the affected leg over the opposite thigh, and use your hand to pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder .
  3. Seated piriformis stretch : While seated, cross the affected leg over the opposite knee, keeping your back straight, and lean forward .
  4. Standing piriformis stretch : Stand and place one leg over the knee of the other in a "4" shape, then lower your hip and lean forward .

Strengthening Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

  1. Side-lying hip external rotation : Lie on your side and rotate the top leg outward.
  2. Standing closed chain hip external rotation : Stand on the affected leg and rotate it externally while maintaining balance.
  3. 4-point hip abduction : In a quadruped position, lift the affected leg outward.
  4. Standing hip opener : While standing, flex the hip and move the knee outward.

Additional Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

  • Foam roller glute stretch : Use a foam roller under your buttocks to massage and stretch the gluteal muscles 1 .
  • Spikey ball piriformis stretch : Sit on a spiky ball placed under your buttock and move in circular motions 1 .
  • Modified pigeon stretch : In a kneeling position, bring one knee forward and lean into it to stretch the piriformis 1 .

Perform these exercises 2-3 times a week, holding stretches for up to 30 seconds and doing 2-3 sets of strengthening exercises3 4 . If any exercise causes increased pain, stop and consult a healthcare provider

Gym Equipment to Help with Piriformis Syndrome Exercises

Piriformis Syndrome Exercises Can Be Done At Home

Piriformis syndrome exercises can be effectively performed at home without the need for a gym. Many of the recommended stretches and exercises require minimal or no equipment, making them convenient for home practice .

Home-Based Exercises

  1. Stretches:
    • Ankle-over-knee glute stretch (figure-4 stretch)
    • Seated piriformis stretch
    • Supine piriformis stretch
  2. Strengthening Exercises:
    • Bridge pose
    • Planks and side planks
    • Narrow squats
  3. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise:
    • Walking, which can be done outdoors or indoors.

Simple Equipment for Home Use

While not necessary, some simple equipment can enhance your home routine:

  • Foam roller (4-6 inch diameter) for glute and piriformis stretches 
  • Spiky ball for targeted massage 
  • Ankle weights for strengthening exercises 

Frequency and Duration

  • Perform stretches and strengthening exercises 1-2 times per day 1
  • Aim for 150 minutes of aerobic exercise (like walking) per week 1
  • Hold stretches for 30-60 seconds and repeat 2-3 times 

Remember to start gently and progress gradually. If you experience increased pain or discomfort, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before continuing or modifying your exercise routine

Can I Modify Exercises If I Have Severe Piriformis Syndrome

If you have severe piriformis syndrome, it's crucial to modify exercises to avoid exacerbating your condition. Here are some ways to adapt your exercise routine:

Reduce Intensity and Duration

  1. Start with gentle stretches and exercises, holding them for shorter periods (15-20 seconds) instead of the usual 30-60 seconds .
  2. Perform fewer repetitions and sets of strengthening exercises than you normally would .

Low-Impact Alternatives

  1. Try water exercises, which provide buoyancy and support, reducing pressure on the piriformis muscle 4 .
  2. Use an upright stationary bike with an upright posture rather than a recumbent bike position to minimise pressure on the piriformis .

Modify Stretches

  1. Perform the seated piriformis stretch while sitting on a cushion to reduce pressure on the affected area .
  2. For the supine piriformis stretch, use a pillow under your head and bend your knees less if you experience discomfort.

Incorporate Gentle Release Techniques

  1. Use a foam roller or massage ball gently on the surrounding muscles, avoiding direct pressure on the painful area .
  2. Apply heat before exercises to relax the muscles and improve flexibility .

Focus on Core and Hip Stability

  1. Emphasize exercises that strengthen your core and hip muscles without directly stressing the piriformis .
  2. Incorporate Pilates-based exercises that focus on deep core muscles and proper alignment .

Remember to listen to your body and stop any exercise that increases pain. It's essential to consult with a Physio or PT for a personalised exercise plan tailored to your specific condition and severity

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