The Spirit Fitness XBU55ENT Upright Bike blends the XBU55 Upright Bike features with a sophisticated ENT console. The 10.1” touchscreen display and 8 preset/12 custom programs provide an interactive user experience. You can access pre-loaded apps like Netflix, YouTube, CNN, plus benefit from the built-in screen mirroring capabilities and USB charging port, for a never-ending supply of entertainment and motivation.
This reliable XBU55ENT bike has a 30 lb flywheel and 20 levels of resistance for a great calorie-burning session. It also features an integrated Bluetooth FTMS for connecting to compatible apps such as Zwift or Kinomap, as well as external heart rate monitors and headphones. You can also enjoy a comfortable and smooth ride thanks to the high-density foam seat and easy adjustments, while a cooling fan and diverse training programs offer unbeatable entertainment.
Key Features