Understanding How to Squat Properly

March 20, 2023 4 min read

Hammer Strength Squat

How to Squat Properly & Why

 We discuss all you need to know about how to perform a squat correctly, such as variations, whether you should use weights, what type of machine to use, and the optimal form to ensure you can squat properly. 

Importance of Squatting

Squatting is a highly beneficial activity for humans, understand what muscles a squat works  and how it provides numerous functional and aesthetic benefits such as building muscle, developing tissues around the knees and hips for greater flexibility, and potentially aiding in fat-burning, along with shaping the glutes. However, the form of squatting is paramount; proper form includes details such as the positioning of the toes, the distance between the feet, and the amount of weight to be used.

Mastering the form of squatting is essential, and through dedication and consistency, users will gain the maximum benefits from each exercise. With proper form comes a host of functional and aesthetic advantages such as increased muscle strength, mobility, and improved bodily curves.

Placement of toes

 It has long been debated amongst fitness professionals regarding the ideal foot position of the exerciser; with the feet being either facing in line with the hips, or outwards. Today, experts agree that the correct placement hinges on one's body and the intended result. Thus, if the hips tend to rotate outward, it may be more comfortable to point the toes slightly outward.

 It appears that a deeper squat is attainable if toes are pointed outward, while toes facing forward may yield more power into the squat. Ultimately, how comfortable one feels is of utmost importance, and how toes orient when one walks should be taken into account. To conclude, there is no definitive answer; it all depends on the natural motion of the feet and hips, and what type of squat is being performed.


Optimum Feet Positioning

For those wondering, the three common foot widths are medium, wide, and narrow, each of which has a purpose. To begin, let's focus on the medium position.  This is where you squat with hips shoulder width apart. This is seen as the more athletic stance.

The wider squat, termed the sumo squat, involves turning the toes outward and positioning the feet outside the hips. This stance is utilized when moving heavy loads and optimizes activation of the glutes.

Finally, there is the narrow squat, which is difficult to execute if one has hip or ankle issues. Strength and muscle can be most effectively increased with the wide squat; athletes should opt for the hip-width stance.

Using Weights When Squatting

The goblet squat is often the first choice for those learning to squat with weights, requiring the use of a dumbbell, kettlebell or medicine ball held in front of the chest. Keeping the elbows in ensures proper form. Such squatting is advantageous for beginners since it prevents excessive forward leaning due to the weight in front. Subsequently, if pursuing heavier loads, other body parts must become involved.

Progressing to the shoulder hold entails gripping two dumbbells or kettlebells atop both shoulders, enabling the lifter to lift more weight than in the goblet hold. Nevertheless, improper technique may lead to an excessively forward lean. Subsequently, we will discuss performing the squat utilizing a barbell.

The Backrack - Position the barbell on the upper back for the back rack squat. With the bar on your shoulders or a few inches lower and fingers facing forward, the elbows pointing down, you can add extra weight to your squat. This exercise not only targets the glutes and hips, but also benefits the hamstrings.

The front rack is an advanced exercise where the barbell is placed across the collar bones and rests upon the deltoids; the elbows should be kept straight. Additionally, this technique can be used to target the core and quads.


Different Ways to  Perform Squats

In addition to lifting from a standard stance, you can also squat in various body postures plus multiple alternative stances such as a split squat, from a vertical stance. Examples are:

Standing up - When performing a standing squat, the bar is positioned across the shoulder and one then squats down and pushes back up.

One Leg Lunge - Either with bodyweight, horizontal bar, dumbbells or kettlebells, this exercise involves pushing forward and down with one leg and holding the weight. With less weight, the exercise is more challenging for the adjacent muscles, as you must maintain posture, balance and control due to the isolation. Exercise caution to avoid overstepping..

One Leg Lunge From A Step Platform - This modification of the lunge poses a higher challenge and is not suitable for novices.

Watson Smith Machine

Smith Machine - A machine with a straight bar, mounted on adjustable sliders, facilitates the proper positioning for leg-activated propulsion.

Plate Loaded Lying Leg Push - Lying on your back or at 25% to the floor, the weight sits over your hips and you push against gravity with your legs. This isolates the leg muscles and allows you to add more weight, because you are not using your bodyweight at all.

How  To Do a Squat with a Weight?

The key is to start out by mastering the correct squat posture: weight on your heels, back straight. The goblet hold is the safest way to add weight while preserving proper form. When this begins to feel too simple, progress to using back and front squat racks. Remember to heed your body's signals and hold correct posture when weightlifting to prevent injury.

Common Squatting Mistakes

Common squatting errors include not achieving sufficient depth, a tendency to lean forward, rapid descent with weight, and inadequate pre-exercise warm-up. Widening stance, placing weight on the heels, and descending slowly can improve form, while a warm-up can reduce injury risk. Focusing on technique and warm-up can reduce the strain on your muscles, allowing for improved workout performance.

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