What is a Sissy Squat | Benefits, Variations & Alternatives

August 20, 2024 5 min read


The sissy squat is a specialised exercise primarily targeting the quadriceps, distinguished by its unique movement pattern where the knees move forward while the torso leans back. This squat variation emphasises knee flexion rather than hip hinging, making it particularly effective for isolating the quads.

What Muscles Do a Sissy Squat Work

The sissy squat primarily targets the quadriceps, which are the main muscles responsible for knee extension. This muscle group consists of four muscles on the front of the upper leg: the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris Additionally, the sissy squat engages other muscle groups:

  • Core Muscles : The exercise requires significant core engagement to maintain stability and alignment. This includes the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and erector spinae, which work isometrically to stabilize the body during the movement
  • Glutes and Hamstrings : While the sissy squat primarily targets the quads, the glutes and hamstrings are also involved, albeit to a lesser extent. The glutes help maintain pelvic alignment, and the hamstrings are engaged but not significantly activated during the exercise

The unique movement pattern of the sissy squat emphasizes the quadriceps by focusing on knee flexion and extension, with less involvement of the hip joint compared to traditional squat.

How to Perform a Sissy Squat

  • Setup : Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ideally with your heels elevated on a sturdy surface (like a weight plate) to enhance the movement.
  • Starting Position : Keep your shoulders back and down, with your hands on your hips or extended in front for balance.
  • Execution:
    • Bend the Knees : Begin bending your knees while leaning your torso backward. This action should create a straight line from your knees to your head.
    • Lowering : Continue to lower your body as far as you can, ideally until your knees are well beyond your toes, while maintaining a neutral spine.
    • Pause and Return : Hold briefly at the bottom, then push through your heels to return to the starting position, focusing on engaging your quads throughout the movement

Benefits of A Sissy Squat

  • Muscle Targeting : The sissy squat is particularly effective for developing the quadriceps due to the increased range of motion and tension placed on these muscles. It also engages the core for stabilization.
  • Progression and Safety : This exercise can be challenging, especially for beginners. It's advisable to start with assisted variations or use a sissy squat machine to build strength and balance before attempting the full movement unassisted.
  • Common Mistakes : Avoid locking your knees at the top of the movement and ensure that you maintain a slight bend to prevent joint strain. Proper form is crucial to avoid injuries, particularly to the knees and ankles.

Incorporating sissy squats into your workout routine can enhance leg strength and muscle definition, particularly for those focused on bodyweight training or looking to maximise their quad development without weights

Variations of a Sissy Squat

There are several variations of the sissy squat that can make the exercise easier, particularly for beginners or those working on their strength and balance. Here are some effective modifications:

1. Band-Assisted Sissy Squat

Using a resistance band attached to a stable surface can provide support and help with balance. The band assists in the upward motion, allowing for a full range of motion without the full body weight being a factor, making it easier to learn the movement

2. Kneeling Sissy Squat

Starting from a kneeling position can significantly reduce the difficulty. This variation allows you to replicate part of the sissy squat motion while minimizing the load on your knees. You can extend your body from a kneeling position, which helps build strength gradually.

3. Wall-Assisted Sissy Squat

Performing the sissy squat with your back against a wall can help maintain balance and support. This method allows you to focus on the movement without the fear of falling, making it easier to learn the correct form.

4. Sissy Squat Machine

Using asissy squat machine can provide additional support by securing your lower legs, which helps with balance. This machine allows you to perform the squat with less risk of losing balance, making it suitable for beginners.

5. Eccentric Focus

For those struggling to return to a standing position, focusing on the eccentric (lowering) phase of the squat can be beneficial. You can lower yourself slowly and then assist yourself back up with your hands or a stable object, gradually building strength in the process. These variations can help individuals gradually increase their strength and confidence before progressing to the standard sissy squat.

best alternatives to the sissy squat for targeting quadriceps

If you're looking for alternatives to the sissy squat that effectively target the quadriceps, there are several exercises you can consider. These alternatives can provide similar benefits while potentially being more comfortable or suitable for your fitness level:

  1. Leg Extensions : This is a popular quad isolation exercise that allows you to focus on the rectus femoris and achieve the desired quad sweep. It can be performed on a leg extension machine, making it a straightforward alternative to the sissy squat
  2. Hack Squat : Utilizing a hack squat machine can help isolate the quads while providing support and stability. This exercise mimics the movement of a squat but with an emphasis on the quadriceps.
  3. Bulgarian Split Squat : This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, and can be adjusted to focus more on the quads by taking a shorter stance and keeping the torso upright.
  4. Front Squat : By holding the barbell in a front-loaded position, the front squat shifts the emphasis to the quads, requiring you to maintain an upright posture.
  5. Cyclist Squat : Similar to the sissy squat, this variation involves placing your heels on a high elevation to allow for significant forward knee travel, effectively targeting the quads
  6. Spanish Squat : This exercise uses a resistance band to stabilize the lower legs, allowing you to sit back and load the quads effectively.

These alternatives provide various options to target the quadriceps effectively, allowing you to choose based on your preferences, equipment availability, and any specific physical considerations.

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