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November 13, 2022 2 min read
Resistance training is a form of physical activity designed to improve muscular fitness by performing exercises that cause a muscle or muscle group to contract against an external resistance. Different forms of resistance training include a variety of external resistances which can come from your own body weight, free weights or from using weight machines. Ultimately resistance training helps to increase strength, power, anaerobic endurance, and an increase in muscular size achieved through exercise referred to as hypertrophy.
Strength training is a specific type of training designed with the aim to build muscle mass and strength. In contrast to resistance training, strength training typically includes performing lower reps at a higher weight.
The key difference lies in that strength is not the main goal of resistance training. Whilst resistance training exercises involve pushing or pulling against an external resistance to increase muscular strength, the use of resistance further induces muscular contraction to build anaerobic endurance alongside the size of skeletal muscles and bone density.
Strength straining is a type of exercise specializing in utilising a large amount of muscle tissue by continuously increasing the weight you lift and is thus more specifically focused on building strength by utilising time under tension.
For those new to exercising, practising resistance training before a strength workout allows you to perfect your form before adding heavier loads to exercises in strength training. Maintaining proper form reduces the likelihood of injury, ensures correct muscle targeting and breathing techniques. Stability is key in strength training. Inhaling during the eccentric portion whilst exhaling during the concentric portion of a lift increases core engagement and
stability further ensuring enough oxygen is delivered to your muscles to help prevent muscle fatigue and cramping.
A 2018 study published in Sports Medicine reported the amount of resistance training you do is directly proportional to muscular strength and endurance. Studies routinely demonstrate incorporating resistance training into a workout helps to improve overall strength and endurance. Bodyweight resistance exercises such as planks, push-ups and squats allow you to perform higher reps of each exercise to help build endurance.
As resistance training is a necessary part of overall strength development, injury prevention and athletic performance, it’s important to integrate resistance training into a strength training program. Alternating strength-focused workouts with resistance training exercises that increase the training volume with more sets and reps whilst slightly decreasing the intensity can alleviate stress on supportive muscle groups.
Resistance exercises and bodyweight movements can increase your overall functional fitness, helping you to become better equipped for carrying out routine movements, activities and tasks associated with everyday life. Official medical guidelines recommend performing resistance workouts at least two days a week for optimum health and fitness due to the plethora of benefits linked with resistance training: