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This ready to go set of Physical Competition Bumper Plates (150kg) comes with a 7ft Pro Olympic Bar (20kg), making a combined 170Kg, its the perfect choice for any training facility. Engineered with a resilient Black finish and a reliable stainless steel insert, these bumper plates provide both high performance and cost-effective results.
The plates have passed a rigorous 10,000-drop test, making them ideal for use in commercial gyms. Each plate has a 450mm diameter and a 51mm bore hole, and is calibrated to within 2% of the specified weight.
The Physical Competition Bumper Plates Set (150Kg) features sleek black plates with colored weight markers and a logo. The colors used for the weights follow the standard IWF Olympic colors: grey for 5kg, green for 10kg, yellow for 15kg, blue for 20kg, and red for 25kg.