Hip Abductor & Hip Adductor Exercises | Body Weight & Cable

August 14, 2024 6 min read

Hip Abductor & Hip Adductor Exercises | Body Weight & Cable

 Performing hip abductor and hip adductor exercises  using body weight or cable machines, can have a significant impact on your overall lower body strength and stability. These exercises target specific muscles in the hips and thighs, helping to improve your balance, posture, and athletic performance.

Why are Hip Abductor & Hip Adductor Exercises Important?

Hip abductor exercises target the muscles on the outside of the hips, including the gluteus medius and minimus. Strengthening these muscles can help prevent injuries, improve hip stability, and enhance overall lower body strength. On the other hand, hip adductor exercises target the muscles on the inside of the thighs, such as the adductor longus and magnus. Strengthening these muscles can also help improve hip stability and prevent injuries.

Body Weight vs. Cable For Abductor & Adductor Exercises

When it comes to performing hip abductor and hip adductor exercises, you have the option to use either your body weight or cable machines. Body weight exercises, such as side leg raises and clamshells, can be effective in targeting these muscles without the need for equipment. On the other hand, cable machines provide resistance throughout the entire range of motion, allowing for a more controlled and challenging workout.

Both body weight and cable exercises have their own benefits, so it's important to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to target these muscles from different angles and intensities.

5 Specific Bodyweight Abductor Exercises:-

Here are five effective bodyweight exercises that target the hip abductors:

  1. Side-Lying Leg Raises: Lie on your side with your hips stacked. Support your head with your lower arm and place your top hand on the floor for balance. Lift the top leg up just above hip level, hold briefly, and then lower it back down. This exercise primarily targets the gluteus medius.
  2. Clamshells: Lie on your side with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet together and slowly raise your top knee while keeping your feet in contact. This exercise is great for strengthening the hip abductors and improving hip stability.
  3. Standing Abduction: Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Lift one leg to the side, keeping it straight, and then return it to the starting position. This exercise can be done with or without support from a chair or wall for balance.
  4. Side Plank with Leg Lift: Begin in a side plank position with your body in a straight line. Lift the top leg while maintaining the plank position. This exercise engages the core along with the hip abductors.
  5. Peeing Dog (Fire Hydrant): Start on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Lift one leg out to the side, keeping the knee bent, and then lower it back down. This exercise targets the hip abductors and helps improve hip mobility.

These exercises can be performed without any equipment and are effective for strengthening the hip abductors, enhancing hip stability, and preventing injuries.



Five effective bodyweight Adductor exercises :

  1. Cossack Squats: This exercise involves a deep side lunge, which targets the adductors as you lower your body to one side while keeping the opposite leg straight. It enhances flexibility and strength in the inner thigh.
  2. Lateral Lunges: Stand with your feet together, step to the side, and bend the knee of the stepping leg while keeping the other leg straight. This movement engages the adductors as you push back to the starting position.
  3. Side-Lying Leg Lifts: Lie on your side with your top leg bent and foot flat on the floor in front of you. Lift your bottom leg upwards, targeting the adductor muscles on the inner thigh.
  4. Adductor Side Plank: This variation of the side plank involves lifting your hips while keeping your feet stacked. The adductors are engaged to maintain balance and stability.
  5. Copenhagen Adductor Exercise: Lie on your side with your top leg resting on a bench or chair. Lift your pelvis off the ground and bring your bottom leg up to meet the top leg, activating the adductors.

These exercises can be performed without any equipment, making them convenient for home workouts while effectively strengthening the adductor muscles.


Using a Cable Machine for Abductor & Adductor Exercises 

  Cable machines offer a versatile, effective, and safe method for performing abductor and adductor exercises. They provide constant tension, adjustable resistance, and the ability to isolate specific muscle groups, making them an excellent choice for strengthening these important stabilising muscles.




 Here are some of the best cable machine abductor exercises for targeting the hip abductor muscles:

1. Standing Cable Hip Abduction

  • Setup: Attach an ankle strap to the low pulley of a cable machine and secure it around the ankle of the leg you wish to work.
  • Execution: Stand with the working leg furthest from the machine. Hold onto the machine for balance, and lift your leg out to the side, keeping it straight. Focus on using your hip abductors to lift the leg, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Benefits: This exercise effectively targets the gluteus medius and minimus, improving hip stability and strength.

2. Cable Lateral Leg Raise

  • Setup: Similar to the standing cable hip abduction, attach the ankle strap to the low pulley.

  • Execution: Stand perpendicular to the machine. Lift your leg laterally away from your body, keeping it straight. Control the movement as you return to the starting position.

  • Benefits: This exercise isolates the hip abductors, enhancing lateral strength and stability.

3. Cable Hip Abduction with Bent Knee

  • Setup: Attach the ankle strap to the low pulley and secure it around your ankle.
  • Execution: Stand with your side to the machine and bend your working leg at the knee. Lift your knee outward, focusing on contracting the hip abductors. Return to the starting position with control.
  • Benefits: This variation targets the abductors while also engaging the core for stability.

4. Cable Cross-Body Hip Abduction

  • Setup: Attach the ankle strap to the low pulley.

  • Execution: Stand facing the machine with the working leg crossed in front of the non-working leg. Lift the working leg out to the side and slightly forward, crossing it in front of the standing leg. Return to the starting position.

  • Benefits: This exercise targets the abductors while also challenging balance and coordination.

5. Cable Side Step

  • Setup: Attach the ankle strap to the low pulley.

  • Execution: Stand with your side to the machine and take a step away from the machine, leading with the leg attached to the cable. Step back to the starting position.

  • Benefits: This exercise engages the hip abductors and improves lateral movement and stability.


 Best cable machine adductor exercises for targeting the adductor muscles. The cable machine is an effective tool for targeting the adductor muscles, which are located on the inner thighs. Here are some of the best cable machine exercises for strengthening the adductors:



1. Cable Hip Adduction

  • Setup: Attach an ankle strap to the low pulley of a cable machine and secure it around the ankle of the leg you intend to work.
  • Execution: Stand with the working leg closest to the machine. Hold onto the machine for stability. Lift your leg slightly off the ground and move it across your body towards the opposite leg. Keep the leg straight and maintain tension in the adductors throughout the movement. Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Benefits: This exercise isolates the adductor muscles, improving strength and stability in the inner thighs.

2. Standing Cable Adduction

  • Setup: Similar to the cable hip adduction, attach an ankle strap to the low pulley.
  • Execution: Stand perpendicular to the machine with the working leg on the outside. Move the leg across your body, focusing on contracting the adductors. Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
  • Benefits: This exercise enhances the strength and endurance of the adductor muscles, contributing to better balance and coordination.

3. Lateral Lunges with Cable

  • Setup: Stand next to a cable machine with an ankle strap attached to the low pulley.
  • Execution: Perform a lateral lunge by stepping out to the side with the leg attached to the cable, bending the knee while keeping the other leg straight. Push back to the starting position.
  • Benefits: This exercise targets both the adductors and abductors, improving flexibility and strength in the thighs

Benefits of Cable Machine Adductor Exercises

  • Isolation and Control: Cable machines allow for precise targeting of the adductor muscles with adjustable resistance, making them effective for muscle isolation.
  • Improved Stability: Strengthening the adductors can enhance hip stability and reduce the risk of injuries during athletic activities.
  • Versatility: Cable machines offer a range of motion that can be adjusted to suit different fitness levels and goals.


In conclusion, performing hip abductor and hip adductor exercises is essential for improving lower body strength, stability, and overall athletic performance. Whether you choose to use your body weight or cable machines, if you have access to a gym, you may want to consider using  an abductor & adductor specific machine, so incorporating these exercises into your workout routine can help you achieve a stronger and more balanced lower body.



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